Camp - Worshop "Developing players U10"

The Camp and Workshop belong to the Players Development and Coaches Education programs of In Out Court.
Coaches – Presenters of the Camp – Workshop are:
*Mr.Richard Marklow (Director of Inspire2coach)
*Mr. Papachatzis George – Moulianitakis Manos (Directors of In Out Court)
*Mr. Stamoulos George – Anagnostopoulos Gregory (Coaches of Heliopolis Tennis Academy)
The Camp is open to boys and girls red and orange level (age 6-10 years) and open also for adults (from 18 years) intermediate and advanced level.
The Workshop is open to tennis coaches and physical education teachers.
The main themes of the Camp / Workshop are:
Red level
1. Game based approach applied in coaching process.
2. Competitive forms applied in coaching unit.
3. Coordination skills.
Orange level
1. Application of game situations and tactical intentions.
2. Competitive forms applied in coaching unit.
3. Coordination skills
Adult Intermediate
1. Strokes technical corrections Game based approach.
2. Application of game situations and tactical intentions
3. Fitness training
Adults Advanced Level
1. Application of game situations and tactical intentions
2. Fitness training
The participation fee for the Camp is:
Red level: 35 €.
Orange level: 45 €.
Adults: 50 €
The participation fee for the Workshop is:
Coaches / Teachers gas. Education: 60,00 €
Physical Education Students: 30,00 €.
For information please contact:
Papachatzis George: 6945806945, 6945806945, 6945806945 Moulianitakis Manos: 6945791492, 6945791492, 6945791492
Stamoulos George: 6977203422, 6977203422, 697720342 Anagnostopoulos Gregory: 6944115518, 6944115518, 6944115518